Facial Augmentation
in New Orleans
Dr. Cooper truly cares about you as a person; I would recommend her to anyone.
– Real Patient

You’re not alone. In today’s busy world, more and more people are looking for balance – between work and play, family and friends. Maybe, you’re also looking to bring a harmonious balance to your facial features. Again, you’re not alone. More and more men and women in the New Orleans area have stopped looking for balance and have started living with it with the help of facial plastic surgery – specifically, fat or filler injections and occasionally a solid silicone chin implant.
Depending upon your vision of you, plastic surgery can provide either permanent or temporary facial contouring. For those high cheekbones or that prominent chin associated with timeless distinction, look no further than Dr. Cooper. If you simply desire to plump up cheeks that have lost volume due to the effects of time, facial fillers such as fat might provide you with that perfect balance. Fat is a permanent filler, however up to 40% of the injected fat can be reabsorbed. For this reason Dr. Cooper may recommend a second treatment after 6 months to obtain the fullness you desire or may supplement the fat with injectable fillers like Restylane® or Juvederm® products which are safe, non-toxic and non-allergenic.

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During your initial consultation in our Mandeville office, you can talk with Dr. Cooper about the changes you hope to achieve, and she will work with you to determine the approaches to best accomplish your facial plastic surgery goals. Dr. Cooper likes to schedule an entire hour to meet each new patient. This allows for a friendly, unhurried atmosphere in which she can provide you with all the information you will need to make educated decisions about facial rejuvenation.
Dr. Cooper will ask you about the precise changes you desire, discuss incision size and location or injection sites,. You will also be informed of the risks and benefits. With this information, you and Dr. Cooper will be able to determine the procedural strategies that will best meet your expectations.
If surgery is planned, then two weeks prior, you will meet with Dr. Cooper’s staff, to discuss all preoperative and postoperative instructions, and to confirm the procedural plans previously discussed.
Chin implants or facial fat injections are usually performed at the office or an outpatient facility. A family member or friend may need to drive you home and provide assistance during the first 24 hours. You and your caregiver will both be provided with Dr. Cooper’s cell phone number for any concerns or questions. You should expect to return to work after approximately one week.
Come see why so many New Orleans area men and women trust Dr. Cooper to achieve their most beautifully balanced selves with facial fat injections or fillers, and/or chin implants. To request your consultation, contact Dr. Cooper today.